Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


19 8:58:18

my femalepomerainian dog is 2 and i had her for 2 years and she is very subborn she never uses the wee wee pad and if i let her putside she runs as fast and far as she can. I need your advice to trainmy dog to stop barking so much,pee on the wee wee pad,and to stop running away.Please respond as soon as possible so that i don't have to wake up to a puddle of pee or a pile of crap.

Honestly, it sounds like you could use some good in-person help. Have you checked out local obedience schools? She sounds more like she needs training than like she is stubborn. For housetraining - supervise and don't leave her loose when you can't supervise. I'm not a big fan of piddle pads. They are too much like other surfaces your dog will find in the house (rugs, for instance)