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shy puppy

19 9:00:07

We just got a 11 week old weimaraner & he seems very shy/timid around us the humans.  He is fine around our other dogs & cat. But he wont come to us & if we try to pet him he backs away.  I have tried giving him treats to get him to come close and pet him. not sure what I should do. He doesn't act like a playful puppy with us. He doesn't seem to care if we are around. If i sit on the floor and hold him he will lay with me, fall asleep and not try to get away.  But i have to get him. he wont come to me. Treats don't seem to even entice him to come.

He may just need time to adjust to the change of environment.  Use toys to entice him, and keep with the treats.  Also a couple of tricks I use with new pups are keeping a leash on him so he is with you whenever out of the crate, and feeding him from your hand.  Before putting his dish of food on the ground, feed him the first handful or two one piece at a time, and use it as a reward for looking at you.  This will increase his desire to pay attention by rewarding him for choosing to do it on his own and is one of the foundation techniques for teaching focus.