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about german sherpherd and pitbull mix

19 8:56:45

what kind of temperament do they have

Dogs temperament depends on which genes it inherits from each parent. Generally more come from the mother than the father, but as with any genetic blending you can get any combination. So until the pups are born and a few weeks old there is no reliable way of telling what the temperament will be. Most behavior metrics have a scale with neutral in the middle, and the two extremes at each end. For example, timid to dominant. While we would expect a normal distribution (think bell curve) there are always going to be individuals at every point along the delineation. Depending on he blood lines, the Shepherd could be very docile and domestic or aggressive. likewise pitbulls vary in blood lines from mild to genetically defective-aggressive.

There are intrinsic and learned behaviors. A sight or scent hound or herding dog has those intrinsic behaviors of the breed. Learned behavior is from environment, experience and what it is taught from interaction and formal training. As I say at the bottom of every page of my book, "the dog is always learning." so be careful what you teach it.

Many breeds have been professionally bred for specific traits, confirmation, temperment, body shape etc. Without knowing the blood line history of the parents there is not much clue to work with. Some breeds have been inbred to the point where few do not have defective genes or mental issues. Unfortunately Pittbulls have been widely bred for aggression for illegal dog fights. So you need to do a history check of the dog's lineage to be able to make some guess about the outcome.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC