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re-housebreaking a 2 yr. old Doxie

18 18:02:27

My two yr. old male Daschund has started peeing and pooping in the house after having been housetrained forever.  He has a brother who will go outside or when he is taken on a walk; but, the younger one will not go outside anymore.  As far as I know, nothing has happened to make him act this way.  I do lock him out in the back yard twice a day and walk them once a day.  Please help.

Schedule a visit with the vet to make sure there's no physical cause and then go back to Housetraining 101. Supervise, manage and make sure he's not loose in the house and out of your sight. If he's crate trained, he should be crated when you can't watch him (not excessive periods) and you should close doors, use baby gates and possibly tether him to you to make sure you notice if he starts to circle or sniff. Take him out of his crate - take him outside (you have to go with him, not just put him out) If he goes in 5 minutes, he gets play time. Otherwise he gets popped back in his crate for five minutes and you try again. Until he does. Then you praise and he gets play time. Put meals down at regularly scheduled times (so you can anticipate his needs) and keep a record of when he generally goes. This will help you get him out before it's an emergency. Sandy Case MEd CPDT