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dog started peeing and pooping in the house

18 17:46:13

I had to put one of my dogs to sleep about 2 months ago and she and my present dog had been together for about 7 years. After she didn't come home from the vet, my dog at home went into a deep depression, and after about a month I had to go on  trip for about 5 days, and she stayed at the kennel for the 1st time without her companion, since I have been back she has started the messing in the house, even though she still goes as well outside. I am assuming this is the source of her behavior, how can I turn it around.???  Thank you, Alison

Hello Alison:

Yes you can be right in your assumption, this is a result of Grief.

The first thought though would be to double check for a bladder infection, as stress and stays at kennels may have caused one.

The other consideration is, loss of Potty training.  This may have occurred with her as her sister was the one giving you the signal for WE need a potty break.

Dogs are creature's of patterns and habits, so if this has started it may soon become a habit without taking action.

Please note that dogs like humans, the period of grief can be different and some dogs have been seen to grieve for up to six months or more.  

When you have ruled out any possible medical condition, I would suggest going back to basic Puppy Potty Training routine.

You can start at every 3-4 hours, as she is older and should have more control and ability to hold it.

My deepest sympathies on your loss.