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peeing on house posts and toys outside

19 8:57:40

We have a maltise, he is 7 years old. He lived with my ex-huusband until he passed away a month ago. My husband and I have a brand new house and the dog lifts his leg on  all the patio post, the BBQ grill, etc. We want this to stop what can we do ? Is there anything we can spray on thioose areas to keep him away?

Sounds like he is marking his territory. While its good the dog feels he has a home, its not good that he feels he has to mark the territory to protect it from other dogs, cats, etc. I suggest take him outside on a leash and show him where he is to go potty and don't let him go out alone. Praise him for going on the right spot. You can "set up" the dog by walking him by the spots he is marking and as soon as you see him start to life his leg, command "NO! bad dog" and lead him back to the potty spot. Don't let the dog out off lead until he demonstrates no desire to mark.

The pet stores have various products to try and keep pets away from items and areas. They have various levels of effectiveness. Ask the store manager for assistance and try various products to see what works for your dog.

You didn't mention if the dog is neutered. Un-neutered dogs tend to mark more. Also not mentioned if you have other pets that may have marked territory before.

I had a Doberman that would immediately turn around and pee on the unopened part of the sliding patio door. We had to use a training collar to teach him not to go there and be quick on the button because he was faster than light speed. The other issue is you need to clean it with bleach or Natures Miracle or Odo-ban (or some combination) to get the odor to a level where the dog can't smell it.


Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC