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Drama queen dog!

18 17:50:36

My puppy is only 6 months old, and she has just made a big adjustment she went from living with my boyfriend and I, to living with me at my moms house. This is a big adjustmet becasue he was her first best and I was second best. When he pasted away I had no other choice but to move back home and in one day he first best was gone and she had a new home. It took her along time to get use to things again, she cryed all day an night, walking around looking for him, she would get her poor little self so worked up with him not around and the new enviroment she would start to vomit. I was worried sick about the poor thing, now that she is starting to take to my moms house she is using me as first best and my mom as second. But she it seems like she is revercing in housebreaking, at the old house she was great would go to the door and everything she was 4 months old and housebroken.... but chewed everything. Now at my moms house there is one spot in the house that she will daliy pee and poop in and she goes her business right after we have taken her out side to pee. She goes to the door gives us her sign that she has to go outside, we go site with her (becasue if we do not site out with her the neighbours would kills us becasue of her barking the sook) and as soon as the dog comes in down she goes in the that spot. Its so hard to deal with becasue i am doing the same training with her as i did at the old house and she just doesn't get it. She is an active dog and when she gets outsides she goes and chases birds and other winged creaters, does she just foreget she has to go pee and poop and when she gets in side she remembers or is she still making big adjustment of new place and new number one? Im going out of mine with her peeing and pooping on the carpet, and with her consetent need for attenchion. She has always been a sook but since he pasted it has gotten worse and i can't even go to the bathroom with out the sitting outside the door crying. I love her to death getting rid of her is not an option. I just want the peeing and pooping inside to stop, and her over the top sooking when she is outside with out me... or when i go to bathroom. what can i do? she is only 6 months old.

Hello Kylea!

I apologize for the delayed response - I've had an unusual schedule lately.

I don't know how to help you with a grieving puppy, but I can offer some advice for the peeing and pooping in the house.  With regard to the grieving/crying - the main thing I will suggest is to be sure you don't reinforce the undesired behavior.  If you pet and cuddle the puppy when she cries, she will continue to cry expecting the same result each time.  Instead, give her lots of attention when her behavior is good, and none when it is bad.

Here are links to a few blog posts on the peeing and pooping problem.  Be sure to read the one about cleaning properly to keep her from going back to that same spot all the time.

Good luck!