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Training Pads

19 8:58:21

Hi there.  I am adopting a 10 week old male Chihuahua. I am wanting to train him using pads and going outside.  Is it better to concentrate on one at a time or use them simultaneously?  I am also wondering if it is appropriate to put his food and water bowls in close proximity of the training pad?  Thank you in advance for your help.

In general, I prefer teaching a dog to eliminate outside. But if you are going to have an indoor potty area, I'd suggest a litter box instead of pads. The substrata is more like outside, and pads are quite similar (to a pup) to rugs, papers, clothes and other things they might find in the house. Additionally you can place a little litter in the outside potty area. Whatever you choose, most dogs don't like to eliminate near where they eat or sleep (I wouldn't either!) Sandy Case MEd CPDT