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Potty Training!!

19 8:58:46

I just got a new boxer puppy. I got some training pads to help him potty train but he doesn't respond to them. I tried to take him outside and he will just sit and cry at me and he won't go. I am in the process of crate training him but there is no progress. I have been trying to potty train him for about two and a half weeks. What should i do? What would be the best method for a boxer?

Am i using the training pads wrong?

Hello Desirae,  I'm sorry to hear you and your puppy are off to a bumpy start with housebreaking.  Try to be patient.  You don't say how old your puppy is, but it can take a couple of months before a puppy is completely reliable and I've found that males take a bit longer than females.  As for the wee wee pads, I must tell you that I do not like them and advise my clients not to use them unless their dog is ill or if they live in a high-rise apartment that makes going outside very difficult.  Think about how you want things to be a year from now and start the process of getting there TODAY.  Training your puppy to go inside on the pads will only set him up for confusion later when you decide enough is enough and want him to go outside only for his potty habits.  I think it's important to send very clear messages to our dogs and to say it's okay to go inside for a few weeks and then change the rules once they've made that the habit--how confusing for the dog!  So, ditch the pads and realize that being a dog owner means a certain amount of standing outside with an umbrella while waiting for your dog to go.  You mention that you are crate training him.  The crate is a great training tool--for housebreaking and establishing your control of the territory.  Definitely keep using it.  Dogs tend to want to keep their beds clean and most will not soil the crate.  By putting your puppy in there, he is learning bladder and sphincter control.  The method I recommend for all puppies (not just boxers!) is to take your dog out of the crate and immediately bring him outside on a leash to "the spot".  Give a command to go (it doesn't matter what you say as long as you are consistent) and wait two minutes.  No walking around, no playing, just wait patiently and see what happens.  Some dogs are so excited to be out and want to play that they hold it.  So be boring.  Business before pleasure. If he produces, praise and treat him and reward him with some playtime.  If he holds it for the two minutes, bring him back to the crate and put him in for another ten minutes, then give it another try.  The idea is that he won't get fed or played with until he does what he should in the place that he should.  That's how he earns privileges like food and access to territory (which could be just your kitchen) and playtime with you.  Make that your routine every time he comes out of the crate.  Don't allow him a lot of freedom unsupervised. His accidents are your accidents--it's up to you to monitor him and be aware of when he might go.  Never punish him for messing--all that does is create stress about the whole thing.  Keep it positive and be patient.  I hope this helps.