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trouble house breaking puppy

18 17:57:30

Hi there
I have a four month old male Belgian Shepard,he eats 3 meals a day as advised by the vet.
During the day he goes  outside to wee and poop as he has full access to the garden,but my problem is that during the night I keep him inside due the fact that here in South Africa dogs have been known to be poisoned, while the owners sleep.He messes everywhere inside the the lounge while we all sleep and i dont know how to get him to go outside as it is in the very early hours of the morning. We have tried to get him to go outside before we sleep but he only makes a number one ,number twos come in the early hours of the morning.

Your advise in this matter would be greatly appreciated

Hello, Helen!

You may need to change your dog's feeding schedule so that he can empty his bowels prior to bedtime.  If you must feed him 3 times a day, the last feeding must happen earlier if you want the dog to poop before bedtime.  In addition, it may help to keep him in a dog crate at night.  Most dogs will not soil where they sleep if they can help it.

Good luck!