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8 Month old Male Marking

19 9:03:58

My wife and I have an month old Havanese Romeo. We decided to crate train him and he was good and GOT IT. But he turned 6 1/2 and started marking in the house, we had him neutered and it has slowed down but he is still doing it. Even after going outside on a walk and eliminating. The problem is he is NOT letting us know that he needs to go out, he's just doing it. Its strange cause he's basically a good boy, but he's just not getting it.

Hi Brian,

House Training takes an large amount of time and attention on the human! Sometimes dogs do regress if we get a bit lacksidaisical in our 'training'.  
First, teach him to ring a bell hung on the knob of the door that you usually take him out to potty through. This is very easy to do by picking up a paw and helping him 'hit' the bell and then praising and giving him a tiny morsel of food. Be 100% consistent that everytime you take him through that door you reward 'ringing' the bell with a morsel of very yummy food even if you have to help him. This way he has a communication method of telling you he needs to go out. At some point, he will ring the bell on his own and you should make a big deal out of his success, usher him outside and mark/treat him for going outdoors.

Secondly, each and everytime he goes outside you mark the behavior with a 'yes!' and give him a treat when he is done. Whenever you catch him making a mistake in the house (and you have to catch him during the act, not afterwards) you should verbally give him a yuck sound and swiftly pick him up and take him outside. Reward him richly for urinating outside. I would greatly restrict his freedom in your house until he 'gets it' again. That means when you cannot watch him, he should be in his crate and when you can watch him,  you either tether him to your waist or watch him like a hawk for any pre-urinating behaviors (circling, sniffing, starting to leg raise)and catch his 'thought' of urinating in the house.

Good luck!