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walking a puppy bull arab

18 17:50:30

Hi my name is Jamie and I have a bull a arab who is 15 weeks and dosent want to walk on the lead. I have tried food and his toys but still wont walk. what tips would u suggest because he has so much energy and i would like him to walk him to burn some off. any help mpuld be appreciated.
   thank you for your time.

Regular obedience training (reward/no reward) should work. Training the dog to heel (walk with you) and other commands is a matter of teaching the dog all good things come from you and if it wants something it has to please you first. I have written at lenght of this many times before. WIIFM and no means no. Beaing a leader means you have to lead. Be it food, treats, affection, heeling, or potty training. The dog learns to follow your comand starting with the simple acts of feeding. The dog must sit and wait for the food to be delivered tothe floor and then told o take it. [step one] Likewise treats, toys, affection, etc. Food is usually step one as it is generally the "hot button" most critteres respond to. Think Pavlov and the chickens pecking to get food. Reward the desired behavior, no reward for any other behavior. Whales, dolphins etc swim over the stick get a fish.  Once you have this mastered, then the dog will begin to respond to your other commands.


Henry Ruhwiedel