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toilet paper eating

19 9:01:54


We have three cocker spaniels, two females ages 8 and 6 that were former breeder dogs that we adopted.  The third dog is an 18 month old male that we got as a puppy from the same breeder our other dogs came from.  

One of the females started grabbing the toilet paper roll and rolling out into the hallways and other rooms of the house.  The 18 month old male picked up on this habit in the past 6 to 8 months and now the two of them regularly doing this.  Now they also just chew on the roll itself and end up eating off 50% or more of the roll as it sits rolled up.  

We have three bathrooms in the house and try to keep the doors closed.  

What suggestions do you have.  This is really getting annoying and seems to be getting worse rather than better.  Is there something we can place near each toilet paper roll that would keep them away (object, spray or other)?  

Please advise as to any suggestions.  Thank you in advance.  


Hi Tim,
As I sit here reading your problem, I have to admit I am laughing.  I am fostering a dog right now who does the exact same thing.   What I used to cure her of this problem was to soak every roll of toilet paper in the house with bitter apple spray.  Of course, I kept some other rolls for use out of her reach!   They will NOT like the taste they get and won't try to snatch many more rolls.   I would keep the sprayed rolls there for several weeks, refreshing the spray on them daily to keep them horrible tasting.  I think this will solve your problem.