Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > Crating


19 8:59:06

Hi there,
My husband and I own a 1 yr old JRT Pug X. We have recently had to start
crating her while we are gone because she is unpredictable and sometimes
destructive. She absolutely hates it and as soon as we start to get ready to go
anywhere she runs and hides or runs away. I am really wanting to train her to
like her crate and not think of it as a terrible place to be. Is there any way to
do this and if so how do I go about it?

Sure there is - but you pretty much answered your own question as to why she hates it - she hates the crate because she has quickly learned that all it predicts is that you are leaving, and she is about to be bored, frustrated, and lonely (all of which dogs hate).  Instead, you need to teach her that wonderful things happen in her crate:-))
Here are some good links on crate training:
You can enrich your dog's general environment by providing lots of exercise, interactive toys (stuffed Kong, Buster Cube, etc.), and by training.  It sounds like she doesn't have enough mental stimulation either, which training can provide.  A tired dog is a good dog!  Play is also important.  If you can let her spend a couple of days at doggy day care, you will see what I mean.  Playing with other dogs (provided she is social) is the best exercise of all - it's almost impossible for a human to tire an active young dog, unless you're a marathon runner LOL.
Good luck!