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Dog and Stairway Behavior

18 17:57:49

we just adopted a border collie Labrador x. when we got him he was perfect. he was calm and didn't jump or bark. he didn't even try to get on the furniture and he followed me every where but upstairs but its been a few weeks now and he has started jumping up, getting over exited and following me up the stairs. he gets enough exercise and when he is exited or jumping up i have tried ignoring him then giving attention when he sits or calms down but not too much and it hasn't helped. also when he tries to go upstairs i encourage him down and when he leaves the stairs rewarding him but he continues to do it. is there something I'm doing wrong in training and what can i do to stop this?

This almost sounds like your dog is unsure about walking up and down the staircase. Let's approach it with that thought and see if these suggestions are helpful. Please let me know if this works or if there is something else that is occurring. Remember more information helps me to make a better recommendation for you and your companion.

Good luck!  

Teaching your Dog to Walk the Stairs
Starting the training at home where the steps are usually fairly wide and somewhat familiar. Begain at the bottom of the stairs and work your way up.

Lead the way for your dog and show in a calm and positive manner that the stairs are navigable without lots of excitement needed from your dog.

After your dog has moved up one step with you, turn around and go down the one step. Repeat until the dog is going up and down the one step without fear, or becoming overly excited.