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dog licking baby

18 17:59:32

I have a 14 month old.  My dog knows not to lick via past training (loud "no" praise when no licking).  Still, it seems the temptation is too great when my baby is around.  I see the dog watch me and if I turn around he will lick my baby if my baby (14 month old 32 lbs) approaches him.  I generally keep them apart but am trying to get them aquainted.  My dog is a little over 2 yrs old and appears to be jack russel (maybe) and a chihuahua (definately) mix.

Teach your dog to "leave it".  There are some free lessons at  I would also advise you to read Colleen Pelar's book, "Living With Kids and Dogs Without Losing Your Mind".  Lots of good safety tips and information.  The licking is better than a snarl - it indicates submission, or "I'm not a threat", or "Please don't hurt me" rather than "I don't like you".  But, I understand that you don't want a dog's teeth that close to a baby's face, even if the dog is intending no harm.  The leave it command gives you a way to instruct the dog, rather than just punish.  I don't like punishing a dog because I would not want the dog to associate the baby with bad things happening to him.  If he already knows "leave it", he will just associate being rewarded with answering your request. Of course, you would give that cue in a pleasant tone of voice, since it isn't a punishment.