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Aggressive Behavior After Meeting Another Dog For The First Time

18 18:00:37

We have a 1 1/2 year old male coker spaniel who has been the best dog we have ever had. My wife and I have three children who the dog loves and has always been best buds with. We had to move into my mothers because we lost our home. My sister came over with her dog and we let them meet which was the first time our dog had come face to face with another dog. They growled at each other and our dog peed on the floor. We separated them and that was the end of their encounter. Since that day our dog will occassionally growl at the kids while wagging his tail at the same time. Today he charged at my son sveral times for no reason. It is strange. He will be fine one minute the next he is growling at one of the kids when they come in our room where he spends most of his time. The hair on the back of his neck stands up and he growls. One of the kids will come in the room and he will jump up on them and lick them like he always did then all the sudden with no warning he will all the sudden styart growling at them. We dont have any money for a trainer and love him so much we dont want to get rid of him he has been part of the family since I brought him home as a puppy. Please help I am afraid he will bite one of the kids or somerone else and we will have to get rid of him and I know its going to happen unless we do something fast.

Hi Trish

I am so sorry I am unable to help you with this. I am not prepared to give advice regarding potential aggression and children in this format as it isn't responsible.  Assessment needs to be done.  He sounds seriously undersocialsed and seems to be finding it hard to adjust to the new situation - I'm sure he is very stressed, and is picking up on how unsettled you all are too.

Perhaps you could contact a local rescue center who may give you free behavioral advice.  In the UK there are many such services - I don't know about in the US.  I am so sorry and wish you good luck.
