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Training my 14wk old puppy.

19 9:05:43

I have a 14wk old lab/pit bull puppy who is a very smart dog. I have already taught her several different commands and have her trained not to used the bathroom in the house. She can hold it from 9pm at night to 9am in the morning without using the bathroom. The problem i am having is when i leave her alone at home by herself she gets into things and tears some things up. What can i do and how can i do it to change this behavior and be able to leave her alone and not worry what she has tore up when i get home.


Hi Brandon,
Keep in mind that puppies can hold it much longer at night. See my other housetraining answers for suggestions on that topic, if  you still have questions.

For destruction issues, you need to use a crate or a long-term confinement area. This consists of a dog-proofed area to prevent your dog from hurting herself or your house.

See my other answers on boredom and destruction or you can see my videos on crate training or other topics at

Good luck!