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19 9:05:32

Hi, I have an 8 mth old blue heeler and I had bought her from a breeder at 6 mths. When I first got her she was scared of everything even to the point where she urinated on herself and would hide in corners for hours.I've also read numerous articles and even read a book for information. Over the past 2 mths she has become alot better only around me and in my room. I know that she likes me and I also beleive that I am the alpha in her life. Now that she has become comfortable around me she still is very hard headed and only listens to me when no one is around. This past weekend I took her on a mountain trip to a cabin and I let her off the lease which I have done before and she ran up under the cabin and stayed there till I had to pull her out. The main question is do I use corpral punishment even thou I have only had to 3 or 4 times. Any other information would be great as well.  Thank You.

Josh, I'm confused as to what it is exactly that you're asking. What would you be using corporal punishment for? I do not think you need to be letting her off the leash at all right now. I DO think that you need to get her into an obedience course, preferably one where the trainer can come to your house and work with you and her one-on-one, but a one-on-one class at a trainer's facility would be okay, too. I would not recommend a group class at this time, nor would I recommend any training class offered by pet stores. Australian Cattle Dogs (also known as blue heelers) are generally hard-headed, independent dogs, so you're going to have to be firm with her, but I don't think corporal punishment is necessary right now. She's still very much a baby, and all her training should be positive right now, until she understands what commands mean and chooses to disobey them.