Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > 5 month old Border Collie urinates indoors

5 month old Border Collie urinates indoors

19 9:05:05

We have a 5 month old female border collie. She's been with us for two months. She is very mart and has learned her commends quickly, but she continues to pee in the house. She does this about once a week. We discipline her when she does this, and we have trained her with a word to make her "go" on command in a designated area outside, but she will still urinate in the house, despite whether or not we had just been outside with her and/or played with her. Can this have anything to do with with the fact that she was spayed a week ago (alothough she has been doing this consistently since we've had her) or is it a discipline problem? What can we do to stop her?

Hello Danielle,

I believe it is a behavior problem and I would suggest three things to bring about a remedy.

First, increase the amount of exercise she receives. Border Collies display absolutely weird behavior if they don't receive enough exercise. The best shape I've ever been in, was when I owned a border collie -:) They have boundless energy.

Second, be sure that you are letting her out on a regular schedule. Regular times are even more important then the frequency which she goes out.

Finally, she is 5 months old. She is still a puppy. Be patient. An accident once a week is not terribly unusual for a five month old.

Give her lots of exercise, give her dependable potty times and be patient with your puppy. In short time, I feel fairly certain your problem will disappear.

Good Luck!
