Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > MY DOG IS AGRESSIVE !


18 17:51:01

please help me i tried everything my yorkie is 3 years old and bigger than usual yorkie. he is very agressive and has like serperation anxiet. he bites me when i leave the house and acts like a nut. and if somone knocks on the door or walks in the house thats not me he attacks. hes on anxiet medicine right now but its not doing a lot please help!

At age 3, the dog is now hard wired to be the boss and is demonstrating it. Starting at age 5 months, dogs need to be trained in behavior and socialization. If they don't then they learn to be truculant little brats.

You need to begin obedience and socilization training. I have detailed this in many postings. The second is NILIF nothing in life is free. The dog must "work" to get anything. That means follow a command. No food, treats, toys, affection, freedom without at a minimum sit stay.

To stop the biting, get lemon juice and squirt it directly in the dogs mouth when it bites. You have 3 seconds to get that done. We use the plastic lemon shaped bottle from teh grocery. Put lemon juice on anything the dog bites then invite the dog to bite it, ugg ugly taste. If the dog bites you, shove your flat hand into the dogs mouth until it gags and hold it there until the dog struggles to get away. Keep the dog crated or tethered when people come over so it has no opportunity to bite others until the dog behaves.  Get a local trainer to work with your dog.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC