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Crate for two dogs?

19 9:05:32

I have looked everywhere and cannot find this information, I hope you can help! I'm working with a rescue to adopt a pair of basset hounds (I don't know yet what pair, but we're looking). I do want a crate for them for travel, and possibly for when they're alone during the day if I happen to get dogs who do better in a crate.

When crating a bonded pair, is it better to crate together or alone? And if together is best, is there a standard formula for determining how much bigger the crate should be for two dogs than one? I've talked to a few people who were rehoming pairs and all that were crated were crated together - but unfortunately, they all stopped returning my emails (either because I decided the dogs weren't the right ones for me to adopt, or because they were adopted by someone else) before I thought to ask how big the crate was. I'd really love to buy the crate *before* actually bringing the dogs home, so it's ready to go, but I can't even shop right now because I have no clue what size!

I'm not a fan of crating two dogs together for an extended period of time, for several reasons, but one reason is because if one happens to get on the other's nerves, they could get into a pretty serious fight because there's nowhere for the 'annoying' one to go. However, if you want to crate them together, I would recommend a crate that's no smaller than the size of an X-Large Pet Porter (like you can buy at Wal-Mart). The dimensions are: 40 x 27 x 30 inches. Generally, the all-wire crates have more floor surface area, but if you were going to use wire, you could simply get two Basset-sized crates and put them next to each other (which is what I'd do). That way, they'd each have their own space, but the openness of the wire crate would give them the security of being near each other.