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Puppy and Pool

18 17:57:48

We will be taking our lab puppy home in 4 weeks. She will be an inside/outside dog. Our plan is to have her outdoors while we are at work in our backyard. Her kennel is located within the fenced in backyard but it also contains an in-ground pool. My concern is drowning. Most puppies can swim but I will encourage the dog not to use the pool. My first problem is whether or not I allow the puppy in the pool in order to locate the built in steps on one side (remember, I do not want the puppy using the pool).  My second problem is that the pool usually has a solar cover or other covering on it at all times.  This would appear solid to a dog and poses a huge drowning concern if the dog was to fall beneath it.  What are your recommendations?  Thank you for your time.

I would recommend that you not leave your puppy outside anywhere near the swimming pool. Unsupervised pups can get into lots of trouble and even knowing where the steps are for a young dog may not protect them from drowning.

You need to take extra care with the swimming pool because they are usually quite attractive and interesting to pups.  Most don't know they cannot walk on water and the pool solar cover just adds to this misconception. Also, pups playing around the edge of a pool can accidentally fall in which can lead to their death if no one is there to pull them out of the water.

It is always a good idea to teach your puppy how to get out of your pool in case he does fall in accidentally, but as I mentioned earlier, unsupervised access to the pool is really not a good idea. You can teach pup about the exit areas form the pool and remember after you have both been in the water, pup's coat and skin need to be rinsed off to remove the pool chemicals. If you have any decorative water features you will want to teach pup how to safely get out of those too.  

At this point, I would suggest creating a pup area in the house that has toys, a crate and an exercise pen rather than having the pup outside near the pool.

Good luck!  

Swimming Your Dog

Most dogs can swim, and love it. Dogs entering the water for the first time should be tested to be certain they are capable of swimming. Here are some tips for teaching your dog to swim:

Never throw your dog into the water.

Start in shallow water, and call your dog's name. You can also try to lure him in with a treat or toy -- but always keep your dog within reach.

Find a dog friend for your dog to swim with.  Let your dog play and follow his friend into the water.

If your dog starts to dog-paddle with only his front legs, lift his hindquarters and help him float. He should quickly catch on and will then keep his rear end up.

Swimming is a great form of exercise, but watch that your dog doesn't overdo. He will be using new muscles and may tire quickly.
Be careful of strong tides that are hazardous for even the strongest swimmers.

Never leave your dog unattended! You should always be in a position to get your dog out of the water.

Taking your dog to the beach is a great way to spend a beautiful summer day, just remember to take precautions and be a responsible dog owner.

Bring plenty of fresh water and shade for you dog.

Dogs can get sunburned, especially short haired dogs and pink skinned dogs with white or light hair. Limit your dogs exposure to the sun when it is the strongest, and apply a non-toxic sunscreen to his ears and nose 30 minutes before going outside.

Check with a lifeguard for daily water conditions. (In salt water locations dogs are easy targets for sea lice and jellyfish.)

If your dog isn't particularly fit, don't encourage him to run on the sand. Running on sand is strenuous exercise, and a dog that is out of shape can easily pull a muscle, tendon or ligament.

Do not let your dog drink too much water during his cool dip. There may be substances in the water that will make your dog sick. (In salt water locations, the salt will definitely make your dog sick.)

Chemicals, minerals and salt found in the water can damage your dog's coat. When you are ready to leave for the day, rinse your dog off with fresh water.

Not all beaches permit dogs. Check local ordinances before you begin your beach combing excursion.