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whinning shih tzus

18 17:51:00

I have two shih tzu's. they are 1 1/2 years old. I have only had them for 4 months. they do not like to sleep in their crates. at night they have a really bad and loud whine. I have neighbors and they have become anoyed with my pets. Yeah, it get real bad. I make sure they get plenty of expercise during the day, I even walk them at night and make sure they potty. what am I doing wrong? Several nights when I go down stairs they have thrown, this very stinky foamy stuff. what do i need to do?

Hi Vera!

This is somewhat outside my area of expertise, but I have a hunch that your shih tsu's may have separation anxiety issues.  The throwing up may just be due to getting really anxious.  Check out this blog post for more on separation anxiety:

Good luck!