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Training Dominance INTO my dog?

18 17:55:53


My dogs
I am having a bit of a dominance problem in my home since I got a new puppy. I have a female 7 year old Chow and Corgi mix and the puppy is a male Chow and Corgi and only a few months old. I am beginning to worry about my older dog  being too submissive to this puppy.

In most cases while meeting other puppies she would get low to the ground but only if the puppy was scared of her, as if to show them it was ok and she wanted to play, but with the new puppy she lays down belly up  or on her side, she will not look him in the face and she allows him to hump her. I have started trying letting her eat first, and pick her toys first but it doesn't seem to be helping. She simply allows him to take the toy from her and walks away.

Is there any kind of training I can do to help my older dog gain more dominance or confidence? I am sure this is an odd question but in this house she is still the big dog under me and I do not want her to feel replaced or depressed with this new puppy. But taking this puppy back to the pound is not an option, he is a good dog.

Actually the puppy is being puppy like and the older dog is a typical laid back personality dog. If the puppy has not been spayed, it should be done as soon as your vet says its OK. The puppy needs puppy training and follow that with obedience training. Puppys are much more active than older dogs, sothey need more toys, attention play time. Try to engage both dogs in non competitive play and when theolder dog tires, continue with the puppy until it tires. Make sure the puppy has mind challenging toys, kong with treat inside, etc. There is no evidence from your question of clinical behavior pattern.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC