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dog habits

18 17:48:25

we have rescued a 2 yr old male Lhasa and need some guidance. We have to flesh him to go out side and he won't go out if it's raining and take care of business un less I stay out  with him, the minute I go inside up he comes to the door.Then later we find he's done his business upstairs which we now have gated off. The other problem is separation anxiety. We are retired and home most of time but when we go for a few hours he poops on floor and tears up any thing in sight.Although we don't mind him sleeping with us I'd rather he sleeps in his bed which is in our room, we've only had him a week and he's a great dog but could be better with a few changes--any suggestions?
       Thank You

Hi Don.  If you've only had the dog a week, he is still adjusting.  Don't expect him to be perfect.  You'll have to give him guidance on where he should potty, train him to tell you he has to go out and allow him time to gain a sense of security in your home so he's not so anxious when you leave.  

I like to use a crate for housetraining.  Dogs won't normally soil their crates.  This can also be a solution for keeping him off your bed at night and protect your house when you're gone.  Keep the crate in your room so he can be with you at night.

You must go outside with him and be sure he eliminates.  Give him a small treat and praise him when he does his business outside.  Take your umbrella if it's raining, put him on leash to keep him with you if necessary.  If he doesn't go, put him back in the crate and try again in an hour.

Don't allow free run of the house until he is reliably going outside for at least 2 weeks.  Teach him to tell you he has to go out by hanging a bell from the door handle.  Rub a bit of peanut butter on it and when he touches it to sniff or lick, open the door and give him a treat outside.  Do this when you know he's got to potty and withhold the reward until he's finished.

When you go out and crate him, give him a very special chew toy he only gets when you leave.  Stuffed Kongs, bully sticks and deer antlers are all great "special" treats for crate time.  

If your boy continues to exhibit anxious behaviors after a couple of weeks of settling in, you might consider some other options - calming remedies like Comfort Zone Dog Appeasing Pheromone or a Thundershirt.  See this webpage for these products and crate treats:

Please let me know how it goes.  I'd be happy to hear back from you in a couple of weeks and give you more suggestions if you're not seeing progress.  Good luck.