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Outside bathroom issue for 2 dogs

18 17:56:01

I have two border collie mix dogs. One who is about 5 years old and one that is almost a year old. We live in town and do not have a fenced yard so the dogs must be on a leash or tie-out when outside. My issue is with the younger dog and her bathroom habits. She wants nothing to do with the grassy area where the older dog goes to the bathroom, at first we thought it had something to do with a complex about her feet because she hated being outside in the rain, walking through puddles, being in wet grass, etc., but she seems to have gotten over that. She will go to the bathroom in the grass, but only if it is an area where neither she nor the older dog have peed/pooped before. I have been diligent in scooping the bathroom area, but it has not made a difference. When out on the tie-out she will go to the bathroom on the deck or on the paved driveway to avoid the grass. She gets disciplined for this when caught in the act and immediately taken to the bathroom area of our choice, but wants absolutely nothing to do with that area. I feel like I've tried everything, putting her in the area and praising her for being there, trying to call her to me when I'm standing in the area, and then praising her...I'm at a loss. My husband and I have been taking her outside on a leash to go to the bathroom for months and nothing has worked. Our older dog is a saint and so easy...we don't want to have to take the younger dog outside every time she needs to "go"...we live in MN. I know she is capable of being trained to go in the correct area while on the tie out, but I just don't know what else to do. PLEASE HELP...THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!!!!

Here's a product that you can try:

Less than $10, worth a try!

You can also crate the younger one and take her out to YOUR preferred spots to toilet on leash and buckle collar. If she doesn't go outside, then back in the crate. Same way you crate train a puppy. We're assuming she won't soil in the crate. If this is a novelty to her, build up time in the crate slowly.

It's tough, I know. My dog is finicky about her spots too. I would try the Pee Post first.

Good luck,

Josh Abrams