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ugh! all that barking

19 8:59:10

hello i have a year old lab JD and he barks anytime i pet on  my other two dogs or my husband :) and i am sure i brought all this on as a little pup we have had him since he was 6 weeks and  i can't not squeeze and hold that little thing. anyway i digress i need him to stop he also barks at Roxy (other dog) anytime he wants to play and she doesn't he is spoiled i admit but can we stop this now? thank you very much for you time have a wonderful day!

What you are probably seeing is "demand barking" or barking for attention.  In general, dogs continue to bark because they were (even if accidentally) reinforced for doing so.  One of the best ways to get a dog to stop barking to get your attention is to not give him any.  (So, no "quiet!!!" or squirts, or anything - just dead silence with no eye contact.)  Sooner or later, dogs quit behaviors that don't get them what they want, and they try something else.  If he's barking to get the other dogs' attention, then you need to train him to be quiet on cue.  Often, the first step toward that is actually teaching the dog to bark on cue (sounds counterintuitive, but it works).
This is a good resource on stopping unwanted barking, and it's inexpensive:
An article you may also want to read regarding the training:
Good luck!