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barking while on walks

18 18:01:16

Hi, i have a 2 year old dalmatian only had him 1 week in the house he is great but when on walks its another story, he pulls terrible i have a bit of knowledge on how to sort that out .The big problem is if he sees or hears another dog he goes mad barking and trying to get away could you please advise me on what to do. Would it work if i squirted him with water when it happens?
Thankyou for your time Lindsey

First,always reward good behavior by makaing a big deal out of it with lots of praise and happy talk. Second,,do not yell when he reacts negatively towards te othr people and dogs,he will develop a negative association if e gets yelled at around strange dogs and people.Always stay calm,dogs read our body language and tone of voice,if you are frustrated or nervous he will pick up on it and react the same.Go out and purchase a training collar--either a halti or Control Ease head collar,this will help with the pulling nd give you a little more control by turning his head when he pulls. When you are walking,the instant he BEGINS  to pull you stop and change direction-if he pulls to the front you stop and either back up and reward him when he turns toward you or you turn around and walk the other direction,if he pulls to the right you stop him and start walking to the left,etc.If you are constantly changing directons this will teach him that he needs to pay more attention to you because you are constantly changing direction and if he's not watching he is goin to get steppd on,pulld the othr way,etc.He needs to learn YOU are the leader and YOU decide wher you go on the walks and what he can and cannot sniff. If he starts pulling towards a tree and you follow him to the tree because its easier than stopping him,he is rewarded for pulling and he will continue to pull because it taught him that pulling gets him where he wants to go.
with the barking,stock your pickets with tiny bits of chicken or cheese for treats and when you see another dog start rewarding him for calm behavior,if he gets reactive have him stop,sit and watch you,just keep feeding him treats as he sits quietly and remove him from the situation if he gets up and starts freaking out. Squirting him with water will not help,he will get a negative association to seeing other dogs on walks and the behavior will worsen,by feeding him yummy treats for calm behavior while the other dogs pass,he will learn hese dogs are not a threat and he'll associate the yummy treats with the dogs making it a positive experience.Keep your distance from other dogs until he reacts calmly from a distance and slowly decrease the distance between you and the other dogs as he is reacting calm. This will take time but eventually he will stop reacting.Removing him from the situatio is called a controlled escape,it is better to do this than to force interactions.