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I dont know what to do with my dog about eliminating

19 9:09:58


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Dear Kristen
it's been 3weeks since I have a dog(Anne), first i tried paper training (did not locked him in a domain, i just cover the floor with newspapers), but i couldn't continue because she was taken out of my room and i couldn't handle it. thus eliminating not on the paper. 3 days ago i changed the method to crate training. since i had bought a house for her without a door, i just made a domain and put her house(made of textile and sponge) inside the domain. i took her to her toilet spot every 1 hour in day  and once in night. sometimes she eliminated and sometimes not so i would took her again 15 min later. but she eliminated 7 times in her house up till now, what should i do?? which method do you suggest? please help me, i really don't know what to do.
I'm not sure I fully understand your setup, but I'll see if I can give some advice.

First, though, I need to know how old Anne is, and how large the crate is? Where is the crate located, and how long do you keep her in it?

she is 15 weeks old now.the crate is 1.5*2 m and is located in my room beside my bed. let me explain again the situation of her crate, there is house with hole entrance in the 1.5 * 2 domain. i keep her 3-4 hours in it during the daylight and about 4 hours a day the end of the leash is attached to me, about 4 hours total she is playing around the house. and in the night she is 12 hrs in her domain and I taker her to her toilet spot 2-3 times and play with her in the domain.  

Her crate is too big for her, Arman. She should only have enough room in the crate to stand, turn around, and lie down in. You didn't say what breed she is, but I do not know of any breeds that, at just 4 months of age, need a crate that is 6 feet long by 4 feet wide. I think that if you make her crate smaller, so she only has enough length to lie down on her side, and enough width to allow her to turn around, your problem will be solved.