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intoducing a new dog into your home, to another dog

19 9:00:39

I have a 2 year old Yorkshire terrier, who I've had since he was six weeks old. He is a lovely dog, but never listen to commands. We have just got another dog which is a six month old staffordshire bull terrier, he seems like a very calm loving dog, who is very obedient and listens to commands. He really wants to interact with my other dog, but my Yorkshire terrier isn't liking it, he shows his teeth, and im not sure how to go about them getting along. Please can you help.

My best advice in this situation is to get your Yorkie into a GOOD obedience class!!  He is in control of your house, and until he realizes YOU are in charge, he will make the decision on who is welcome and who is not....and with an older dog baby puppies are generally not welcome!  

The reason I suggest a class is you are going to need some guidance on how to gain control of your home again.  You can visit my site for some suggestions on being in charge, but I feel your situation will be more difficult as your dog has had plenty of time to practice these negative behaviors, and is probably very good at them.

Read these, and feel free to contact me for additional help in finding an instructor in your area:

Good luck to you, and congratulations on your new pup!
Erica Slomka
Jumpin JACS Dog Training
We Train YOU To Train Your Dog