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not barking at stangers

18 17:56:38

hi..i have a 3 and a half month old boxer pup..he is very social and a lovable dog.but i do want him at bark or at least growl when someone comes to the door or rings the bell.he is always happy to see everyone.not that he goes to everyone but he doesnt mind mingling,irrespective of whether its a dog or a human being.

Hello Ann,

This is a problem that may cure itself with time. Often puppies are friendly to everyone and then with maturity they begin to develop a sense of territoriality and barking. Since your boxer is only 3 1/2 months old, his warning bark may develop without your intervention.

However, to expedite the process, I would suggest the following. When a stranger visits, crouch a bit and say to your dog in a very ominous tone, "Who's that?" Hold your dog in front of you and bark like a dog.
Keep a treat handy and when your strange, frightful behavior elicits a bark (or even a peep), then reward your dog lavishly with verbal praise and a food treat. This should reinforce the behavior.

If you employ a certain dramatic flair, your dog should be noisily greeting guests in no time at all.

Good Luck!
