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Bathing my puppy

19 9:01:45

I have a 4 mth old boxer who i have a real problem bathing today while bathing he clawed me so bad it drew blood and i have four seperate bites that also bleed badly he jumps claws and bites it takes two of us to try and wash him I have tried different methods the bathtub with no water running and just a little in the bottom, the bathtub with a little water running and outside with a trickle from the hose nothing works he does the same thing no matter where I have even let him watch me give my german rot a bath who by the way just stands there while he is being washed i don't even need a collar on him PLEASE HELP

It sounds like he is afraid and he will outgrow it.  It sounds like he may have had a bad experience with a bath before you got him.   You will need to slowly build his confidence.   When I have dogs that are diffult to bath, I slowly get them wet (while they are fighting) and put some soap on them and then sit there with them (in the tub -- or preferably shower) and massage them all over for quite a while.  This really relaxes them.  When it is time to rinse the soap off, I use a large bucket or bowl to gently poor water over them until the soap is gone.  Of course, praising them up and down the entire time and slipping in a treat every now and then.  It may take several hours, but take your time and make it something special for him.  The walk in showers really work best for this because the tub can be slippery and really scary for a dog.   Using a hose outside is way too cold.  
If you don't have a walk in shower, perhaps try going to a local petstore -- like Petco, if you have one in your area -- who offer self serve bathing stations.  
You could also find a groomer in the area to give him a few baths while he gets used to it.   If you have to muzzle him, do so --- but only as a last resort as the muzzle will initially upset him more.  Whatever you do, don't yell, scold or hit him while trying this.   That will only reinforce his already existant fears.