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Training a dog to stay home

19 9:05:31

Hi, we just got a 1 year old male, neutered, chocolate lab. He was up for adoption because he chased his previous owner's horses. We live on an acreage with a lot of room for him to run, but when we go into the house, he takes off to the neighbors house. How can we train him to stay home?

Well, you could put up fencing of some sort (either 'real,' electric, or invisible), you could put him in a kennel or on a tie-our or trolley run when you go inside, or you could just take him inside with you.

You haven't had him long enough for him to have bonded with you and feel like he is a part of your family. Whenever he's outside, he ought to be on a leash of some sort, until he understands where home is.