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Bluetick Coonhound Training

18 17:58:43

I have a bluetick coonhound about 1.5 years old. She is a wonderful dog
never agressive, great with all other people and animals (we have 3 other
dogs and 2 cats). The only MAJOR problem with her is that she will not come
when you call her. Especially outside, which is difficult because she likes to
follow cars. I really dont want to have to cage her like so many other
coonhound owners. I have worked with her in all different ways at home,
taken her to obedience classes, and even had a trainer come to the house to
show me different training techniques. She is very stubborn and when she
wants to do something she does it. For her particular breed do you have any
suggestions on what else might work to help?

The trick is to make it fun. Make sure that 90% of the time when you call her she gets a fabulous treat, a good scratch or a game of tug, whatever she likes. You could also try using a whistle. Some dogs respond better to that, especially if they've already decided that coming when called just isn't that fun.