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My Dog pees about 1x a week in the house...

18 18:02:08

I have a problem, my adopted male dog(Basenji/Jack Russel mix abt 2 yrs old) is potty trained but tends to pee in the house 1 to 4 times a month(in the over night hours), while we sleep. We have had him abt 7 mo's & My wife and I have had several arguments about getting rid of him. I am very experienced with dogs & have Rehabilitated an adopted Chow/German Shepard Mix before(and he was rescued from DOG FIGHTS. he had trust issues & separation anxiety), how ever I can not seem to break this unfortunate event from repeating. Can you HELP?? PLEASE!!

Do you control his water intake or leave it available to him 24/7, Matt? You might try picking up his water dish at around 7 or 8, so that he cannot 'load up' on water just before bed. Also, take him out on a leash once or twice - perhaps 30 minutes before, and then right before you go to bed, to ensure that he is relieving himself. Also, do you crate the dog at night? If not, I would suggest doing that to see if he will wake you up when he needs to potty, or if he just does it in the crate.