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My dog is going to get me kicked out of my apt.

18 17:55:50

Hi Mr. Abrams,

I have a 3 year old mix. She has high anxiety I believe. Lately she has not gotten out as much for walks as just to go to the bathroom and a little running around with my other dog. My boyfriend and I are at work for 8-9 hours out of the day before one of us comes home; late afternoon to late evening. My neighbors have made numerous complaints about her behavior when we are away. She barks non stop. If she hears my neighbor next door through the walls she barks. There is nothing to see out the windows, no creatures running around. She just simply barks, probably for attention.
I have her on anxiety meds prescribed from my vet. I have tried bark silencers, that she had becomed accustomed to. Then I went to a spray collar, she barks right over that thing! I'm fearful I will lose my place to live or will be asked to get rid of her. I have tried her in other homes, due to my living arrangements. But, she is only trusts the ones she's grown up, which would be myself and my boyfriend. I'm at the end of my rope. I need your help, I can't lose this little girl. Please help me tame my dog from barking and annoying my neighbors.

Hi Sam,
I can understand the frustration. Know though, that stopping the barking with collars and other devices may put a band-aid on that issue, but another one may very well crop up (can you say, shredded furniture). 8-9 hours is a long time for your dog to be alone. I know you both have to work, but she doesn't know that. Her needs still must be met. She is barking out of boredom.

Hire a dogwalker. On my website ( you can search for near you. Use him/her at least for two good walks, or even runs. That should help matters. My opinion is that she has a lot of energy that needs to be burned off, and right now she has no outlet.

If the walks don't help, there are also electronic bark silencers on the market that may be effective, as results vary by dog. They bark and the device emits a high-pitched sound only they can hear.

Good luck, hope this helped a little.

Josh Abrams