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Wet nosing for attention

18 18:00:33

We adopted our 5 yr. old Doberman from the Shelter when she was 1. She had been abused. She is a perfect little lady. Never had an accident in the house doesn't chew, is not aggressive or timid, but has this one annoying habit of nosing you if you are not constantly petting her. She puts her wet nose on you hands and arms constantly. We give her a lot of attention and because she was abused and neglected we had been hesitant to be too firm with her. Pleas help. This habit is annoying and not pleasant for guests in our home.
Greg and Tina


Dobermans are renowned for doing this, along with some other breeds including Border collies.  It is especially annoying if you have a hot drink in your hand isn't' it?!

You are right not to be firm with her, Dobys never respond well to punishment.  The best thing you can do is to begin to ignore her when she does it - don't look at, speak to or touch her.  You can casually move your hand away if she is very strong.  She will then learn that is doesn't work as a way of getting you attention.  As soon as she gives up and moves away, call her back and give her a stroke so she learns that she still gets rewarded but it is when you invite her to be petted, not when she demands it.

It is important she is always ignored when doing this from now on - even one slip-up will be enough to maintain the behavior so keep her on lead if you need to around visitors as they can't always be relied upon to assist with dog training.

She will get slightly worse before the behavior stops - this shows the technique is working as she is trying harder, and happens just before the dog finally gives up!

Good luck
