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Biting and half housebroken

19 9:05:09


I have a 6 month old male Beagle who constantly bites me and my husband (hands, hair, socks and clothing)who have tried telling him NO, NO BITING and LEAVE IT and recently tried walking away from him when he does it. It still doesn't seem to be working and we get upset with him. Is there anything else we can do and are we doing it right?

Housebreaking - he lives outside and has a toilet area where he would only urinate there when we are around (we then treat him for doing that)but he will do his dung everywhere he pleases outside in the courtyard. Can you provide me with any suggestions to how to train him?

Thanks so much

Hello Eileen,  

Before I answer, I need to get a little more information - especially with the housebreaking part.   You said he lives outside with a toilet area.   Does he come in the house at all, or does he stay outside all of the time.  The answer to that could also affect the biting issue -- which based on the information above, I am taking as an attention getting tactic.  While unacceptable, he is trying to play and get attention.   While I'm waiting for you to get back to me, I'll try to think of solutions for both scenarios.
