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puppy house training

18 17:50:27

Hi, I got a 10 week old schnug puppy 6 days ago and am trying to train him to go to the bathroom outside. For awhile he started sniffing around and I took him out and he did his business, I rewarded him with a treat and affection and this went great for about 2 days. Now all of a sudden when I take him out he just lays there and eats the grass. No matter how long we are out there for he doesn't go potty, when I take him inside he goes poop and/or pee within 10 minutes. Can you help please? Thank you for your time.

This question has been answered on this site dozens of times. Potty training centeres around food. A scheudle of 1st AM, then immediately before and after a meal, and every two hours inbetween and last at night.  Your reward is a good thing to do, but schedule is important. If the dog is eating grass, I will guess the dog had not been fed immediately before going out. The dog has to learn the relationship with eat/potty eat/potty  not just going outside.

Every pet store has boooks on potty training. Pick one you like.

Henry Ruhwiedel