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My Lhasa apso pup pees and poops in crate

18 17:50:58

I have a 4 month old Lhasa Apso and he will not stop peeing and pooping in his crate!! He's only in there for a couple of hours and i take him out before i leave. I've had no problems with other dogs but he seems to like laying in it....Please help me my husband is feed up and wants me 2 rehome him!! I'd love to keep him but i can't get him to go outside only his crate and my floors!!!

Have you followed a regular training plan?  Potty first in the Am, then every 2 hrs, then at bed time. The crate should be just big enough for the dog to stand and turn around, lie down. Feed in the AM and potty directly after.  Praise and a tiny treat when the dog goes in the designated area outside.

There are dogs that are just incontinent and have a life long problem. These are usually breed or blood line issues. You might want to check the dogs parents and see if any other off spring have the same issue, or if either parent has a potty issue. Following anyof the published potty training guides froma pet store should have success.


Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC