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Bishon Fris - Cold Weather Potty Training

18 17:50:57

We have a 10 mo old Bichon Fris female. We are now aware of all the issues with Bichons.  We live in Minnesota and she was trained to use a dog door and potty on the deck in the snow during the winter months.  It is now spring and she still does.  However, when it rains or she gets lazy she potties just inside the door, or sometimes elsewhere. We normally leave puppy pads out just inside the dog door when we are gone.  Recently it was raining outside and my wife observed the pup peak her head outside and then pee inside.  A few days later, after getting up in the am, the deck was wet and a slight drizzle.  I locked the pup outside for 5 minutes.  My wife went nuts, saying I would "traumatize our already neurotic dog".  Is there any substance to her allegations?  I would never wish to traumatize the pup, but I won't tolerate it going inside anymore when it knows to go outside, and my wife coddles the pup. Also, she goes by the book or what experts recommend, so my opinion counts for nothing, but I will support expert opinions.  I also suggested using another dog door that leads outside into a covered space and steps/ramp down to a rock area that will be fenced in.  This is when I want to train the dog to potty in warmer months. My wife demands that this is an indoor dog and musn't be left alone during the day with access anywhere outside (even a fenced in area) other than our gated deck. My wife is vehemently opposed to this idea of letting her get out to a rock area.  I really don't want the dog pottying on the deck in the non-snow months. Your suggestions, advice?  Thank you,

Have you followed a regular training plan?  Potty first in the Am, then every 2 hrs, then at bed time. The crate should be just big enough for the dog to stand and turn around, lie down. Feed in the AM and potty directly after.  Praise and a tiny treat when the dog goes in the designated area outside.

The dog is not going to be traumatized by going outside. Many dogs do not want to go out in the rain. Why get wet? I just make sure my dogs go out and even when reluctant, they get an OUT! command. Put a shelter area outside where they can stand and not get wet. A table, umbrella, lean-to, etc. The dogs will congreate in this area and potty near it. Make sure they go before being allowed back in the house.  


Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC