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Puppy Mill Rescue

19 8:57:27

We just adopted a 3.5 year old Brussels Griffon/mix mill pup.  She is making great strides in learning to trust, gets along well with our other pets.  Has problems with men and we are having a terrible time housebreaking her.  We've read about the mill pups terrible history and are looking for any tips/tricks specifically for rehabilitating mill dogs with regard to housebreaking and learning to trust men!


Hello Sharon,

You've done a good thing in adopting. You are right about the terrible history of mill pups.

I'm afraid that I can't give much advice other then to be extremely patient. The fact that you've made "great strides" would indicate you are doing the right things. There are no valid tips/tricks that I know of other then time to rehabilitate a 3.5 year old dog with a history of abuse.

Again, be patient and

Good Luck!
