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dog wont go outside

19 9:01:38

i recently returned to work after being a homemaker for 15 years.  i was always home in the daytime with my dog and suddenly he if very fearful of going outside and once i get him out he will not come in.  this now happens at all times when everyone is home or not.  it seems he is very scared in enter the hall by the door that he has been going out for the last 4years with no problems.  forcing him just makes it worse.  so now i wait and try to coax him out gently and the same thing coming in.  he looks in door and looks so scared.  could this be seperation anxiety.  and what do i do.  just be patient and keep working with it.  i will not reward him with a treat or anything until he comes all the way in the house.

Hi Chris,

Interesting....Why has your dog suddenly become phobic about your hallway?

Experience tells me that there were probably subtle signs in your relationship with your dog that went unnoticed. I'd imagine that your dog was very "clingy" while you were home and the change in circumstances has caused a full blown phobic reaction to develop.

I suspect coaxing your dog past the hall will prove counter-productive. Your kind words, treats and coaxing will only confirm to your dog that he has a legitimate reason to fear the hallway. I'd suggest you start his rehabilitation by ignoring him completely for several days. Feed him after you eat, practice enforced downs several times during the day and take him for walks on a strict heel. Be aloof toward him and assume the role of a strong leader that he can look to for unwavering guidance.

Use the technique termed "flooding" to get him past the hallway. Put him on his leash, have him at a heel and boldly stride through the hallway with him at your side. Do not allow him to lag. If you have followed the other advice I've given and he views you as his leader, he'll fearlessly follow you anywhere. That's the great thing about dogs.

In time and with your confident guidance he should overcome this fear of your hallway and going outside.

Good luck!
