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teaching dog to fetch?

18 18:03:17

I have a four month old cairn terrier, and I wanted to teach him to fetch. Usually, he will go after the ball but he doesn't bring the ball back or if I entice him with a treat he'll drop the ball and come running back. What can I do to fix this?


He still is a baby. I would start by not using a ball but a new small stuffed toy or a single pair of socks tied in a knot. Get him interested in it but do not throw it very far, just enough for him to leave your side and go to it (say the words fetch) when he picks it up in his mouth get a happy voice on and ask him to come, as he brings the toy to you or close to you then reward with a treat from your pocket or verbal praise. If he was not to retrieve the object use encouraging words to get him to do so or pick up the object and bring it back to you and start again. If you repeat this process and work up to distance he will get the idea to bring back what he fetched. Then I would try the ball and repeat this process of fetch. Cairn's are smart dogs I have no doubt he will be fetching in no time.
