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teacup dog potty training

18 17:47:43

Our family has been blessed with a teacup Yorkie/Maltese mixed male dog.  He is 7 months old and we have had him for two months.  He was being raised outside on a concrete pad and wire pen.  He has adjusted great to our family except for the issue of potty training. He weighs 6 lbs and is a tiny little thing that has a big attitude until he has to go outside to potty/poop.  He is absolutely terrified.  We have a black Lab and a Basset Hound that live outside.  They are not aggressive to him at all, but he refuses to leave our side or makes a bee line back to the door.  We are desperate to get him trained.  Any ideas?

Hi Shari.  Can you create a little "safe zone" for him when he's outside?  An exercise pen that you can both walk into would give him a sense of security while outside.  (Please let me know if you're not sure what an exercise pen is.)  If it might help, you could also visually block off the lower portions of the pen so he can't see out.  

Take him to the pen as soon as he wakes from overnight sleep and any naps during the day.  Stand there with him until he goes, then give him a small treat.  

I think just being outside in an open area might be overwhelming for him and the fact that there are 2 very big dogs out there would cause any tiny dog to be afraid.

If you can start with a secure area, like an exercise pen, and get him accustomed to that, you could gradually open the pen so he can move out into the yard when he's ready.  

Let me know if you have any questions.  Good luck!