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puppy dont like tha car

19 9:10:00

hey my name is daniel i have a 7 month old american stafford terrier who doesnt like the car at all she starts shaking and spitting fluid. what can i do so she can be calm and relaxed in the car and not shaking ? thank you

Hello, Daniel. You need to desensitize her to the car. Start out by having her get into the car while it's not running. Praise her and give her a treat, and take her back out again. Repeat until she is happy to jump up into the car. Next, have her stay in the car for several seconds before giving her the treat and letting her jump back out. Repeat until she can stay in the car with the door open and without it running for several minutes without becoming distressed. Then start closing the door and you getting into the front seat, praising her, and then getting back out and giving her a treat and letting her out. Again, repeat several times, gradually increasing the amount of time you're in the front. Then, start the car while you're sitting in the front seat. Let it run for a few seconds, and praise her, cut it off, and let her out. Repeat. Next, take very short rides with her. Start out by just backing or pulling out of the driveway and pulling or backing back in. Then go around the block, or down to the store, etc. Gradually increase the distance as she is comfortable.