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My puppy wont stop pooping...

19 9:02:39

I have a 4 month old puppy, who I regularly take outside, who is on a strict time schedule for eating although excercise changes as I am very busy myself. I take her outside and she pees outside, and rarely ever pees in the house, yet she continues to poop in one place in the house, always the same spot. It not like she wont go outside and poop because she does, but she still comes in and 10-30 minutes later she will poop again on that same spot. I do not know what is up...?

Clay, I cannot say why she is doing that, either, but what I would recommend is to thoroughly clean that spot with an enzymatic cleaner like Nature's Miracle, to remove all traces of the scent (just because YOU can't smell it doesn't mean *she* can't!).

The next thing I would have you do would be to keep her on the leash after you bring her in. You can let her drag it or keep ahold of it. It's crucial that you keep an eye on her at all times, so that the moment she starts showing signs that she is getting ready to 'go', you can whisk her straight to the door and outside. When she does her business out there, you should praise her happily! If she starts 'going' before you can get her moving towards the door, clap your hands and say "NO. Outside" and get her out there as fast as possible.

Lastly, try feeding her on the spot that she keeps going potty (after you have thoroughly cleaned it, that is).