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peeing in kennel and chewing

18 17:52:18

My parents have friends who's son is in the military and they are watching his dog until he gets back. The dog is about 1 and they are having troubles with him peeing in his big kennel. She had to move him into a smaller kennel because her husband has cancer and is in the hospital. The dog doesn't pee in the smaller kennel but they are at the hospital all the time and feel bad because he cant move around. she needs to know what she can do to keep him from peeing in the larger kennel. Also the dog chews up anything he can get in the kennel and eats it.  they need to put him in the garage but they cant keep him warm.  can you help with any of my question so i can give them one less thing to worrie about?

Thank you
Devon :)

The dog is going to pee in the big kennel if he's left there long enough. Dogs make much more of an effort to hold it in a small kennel. The reason he is chewing everything is because he is bored and not getting enough exercise. They need to put him in a doggy daycare like Camp Bowwow a couple times a week or at least hire a dog walker. If they put him in the garage he will destroy everything in there. He is bored and needs exercise.