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7 month old dachshund bitting / potty training

19 9:03:16

My husband and I are not sure what to do about our Dachshund. We have only had him for about 2 months and he is about 7 months old. He has just started a bad habit of nipping and just recently bit our neighbor (thank goodness our neighbor wasn't mad about it). Everytime I come home and my husband comes home I understand he's excited, but when we go to pet him after a few minutes he tried to nip us as if we were playing with him. I barely tap him on his nose telling him no, but he continues after a few seconds. He also has a habit of pooping in the house even after he has been out for about a half an hour. I want to let him run around in the house, but it makes me nervous when he starts to sniff (don't know if he's sniffing for our cat). I also would like to let him sleep in our room, but again I'm afraid my husband and I will wake up and step in urine or poop. I need help.. any suggestions??

Hello April,

Your dog doesn't have a  nipping "habit", he is biting. At 7 months he knows what he's doing and I'm afraid you have a full blown dominance problem.

He should be in a crate or on a leash. You must establish yourself as his leader by controlling him. Currently you have a dog that is out of control.

You should begin by being aloof toward your dog. Exercise him, feed him, and correct him if he shows any further aggression. Otherwise, ignore him. If you can't watch him on the leash, then put him in his crate. You must control his every activity until he understands that you control all resources and all behavior. In the canine world, this is what leaders do.

I'd suggest you read my article on being your dogs leader at and take prompt action before the problem becomes much worse.

Good luck!
